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PICTURES: Cancer fund hold information meeting in Limerick



PICTURES: Cancer fund hold information meeting in Limerick


A MEETING was held in Limerick recently as part of Oesophageal Cancer Fund’s regional roadshow.

The aim of the meeting was for people affected by oesophageal cancer to meet others in the same boat and to get some practical tips from both medical experts and survivors of this cancer.  

Noelle Ryan, founder and board member of OCF paid tribute to Noel Walsh, a champion of OCF’s patient support programme.

Noel regularly gave his time to ring and meet newly diagnosed patients to let them know what to expect, and to ensure they knew they weren’t alone in facing this difficult cancer. 

Noel was also a key fundraiser for OCF and was always involved in its annual Lollipop Day to raise funds and awareness about this cancer. Noel and the Walsh family have raised in excess of €130,000 for OCF over the years.

That money funds their patient support programme, an awareness drive to ensure people know the symptoms of this cancer, and funding of vital cancer research that will improve early detection.

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