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PICTURES: New Mayor of Limerick enjoys a spot of lunch at northside community hub



PICTURES: New Mayor of Limerick enjoys a spot of lunch at northside community hub


JOHN Moran’s first lunch since being elected as Mayor of Limerick was at St Munchin’s Community Centre in Kileely.

Less than 24 hours after Less than 24 hours after becoming Limerick’s first ever directly-elected mayor, Mr Moran contacted Linda Ledger, the community centre’s boss to ask if he could take lunch with their Wednesday Club.

It fulfils a promise he made on the campaign trail when he dropped into the northside facility and called bingo!

Taking up the story, Linda admitted she did not expect Mr Moran to be back so soon!

“When he was canvassing, he came in and called bingo with the Wednesday Club. He told all those ladies he would be back if he got elected. He was just true to his word,” she said.

Linda admitted she was “very impressed” – and a little surprised to get the text from Mr Moran asking if he could drop in for lunch.

“Loads of people tell you things when they are canvassing. I wasn’t expecting it, for him to come back and have his first dinner with them. They obviously made a good impression on him too,” she said.

READ ALSO: Taoiseach holds talks with new Mayor of Limerick John Moran

Linda welcomes the fact Limerick has an elected mayor. “We need someone to advocate for us at national level. His qualifications are great and we need someone for the people too. I think an Independent person was definitely the way to go. I hope everyone gets behind him,” she said.

He will hit the ground running. It’s not just Limerick watching him, the whole eyes of the country will be on him. I’m around long enough to know that they need to leave the politics aside now and put Limerick first.

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