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Primary schools facing funding deficits as costs rise



Primary schools facing funding deficits as costs rise

Seven out of ten primary schools here have run at a deficit at some stage over the past 12 months and had to rely on cash reserves to cover day-to-day costs due to insufficient core funding from the state, according to a survey carried out by Catholic Primary School Managers Association.

The online survey was conducted over 10 days last month and 1,440 schools or approximately 50% of all Catholic primary schools responded.

The CPSMA has said the survey results present “a sobering snapshot of the challenging financial situation” facing primary schools here.

Schools reported that their heating costs have risen by an average of 37% over the course of the past two years. Electricity costs increased by an average of 35%, and insurance costs by 19% on average during the same period.

More than half of all those who responded said their schools had to fundraise to pay for basic utilities.

Schools also reported other cost increases with one in five citing increased school transport costs. “This significant increase in cost has resulted in schools having to limit educational experiences for pupils,” the CPSMA said.

Schools also reported having to pass increased costs onto parents.

Other significant cost increases include classroom resources, stationary and photocopying with more than one in five schools complaining of price rises in these areas.

21% also indicated a significant increase in the cost of cleaning materials and the cost of hiring contract cleaners over the past two years, noting that the cost had increased during the Covid-19 pandemic and had not returned to pre-pandemic levels.

The CPSMA has also said its survey highlights significant financial issues related to the state grant that schools are given out of which staff such as caretakers, secretaries and cleaners are paid. This is called the ancillary grant.

Almost three quarters of schools that responded said they would not have enough money to pay their ancillary staff this year, with the average deficit between grant paid and monies required being €7,166.

“Schools have indicated that they are under huge strain to attempt to honour ancillary staff wages,” the CPSMA.

As well as criticising the inadequacy of current levels of funding, school principals who participated in the survey said they were unable to budget due to a lack of clarity around when and if some grants would be paid. The survey invited comments from school principals and the CPSMA said the responses received highlight the stress that financial uncertainty is causing school managers.

“The survey has highlighted many principals feeling burned out and dissatisfied with their role due to the financial constraints being placed upon them by inadequate funding, with some reporting considering leaving the role of principal due to the stress and worry associated with money,” the organisation said.

The report contains quotes from anonymous school principals with one stating; “Waiting for grants and not knowing when they will come in is exhausting and stressful. I intend leaving the role this year and one of the major factors is the stress of trying to spread so little money across the school service.”

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