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Search expected to resume for hiker missing in Kerry



Search expected to resume for hiker missing in Kerry

A search operation for a hiker missing from Cnoc Bréanainn in Co Kerry is expected to continue this morning after bad weather hampered the rescue effort yesterday.

Sebastian Jaworski, 46, was last seen near the summit on Sunday at around 3.30pm.

Mr Jaworski is understood to be an experienced mountaineer who knows the area well.

The alarm was raised when he failed to return to work on Monday morning in Cork.

Colm Burke from the Kerry Mountain Rescue Team said the search effort was a combined one with aerial help from the Coastguard Helicopter R116 and the Dingle Coast Guard.

Volunteers from the Search and Rescue Dogs Association were also helping and Mr Burke praised local people who he said, have been very supportive with their assistance.

Mr Burke said when Mr Jaworski was last seen on Sunday he was heading towards a feature called An Eisc, which has a descent route that would have taken him back to his vehicle which was parked at An Fhaiche.

There is an appeal for any information the public may have – if anyone was in the area around Cnoc Bréanainn on Sunday and may have seen Mr Jaworski they should contact gardaí.

Kerry Mountain Rescue advises anybody who is planning on hiking this weekend in the area to be aware of the search operation and to leave the search team to do their work.

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