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SF not under pressure despite fall in support – McDonald



SF not under pressure despite fall in support – McDonald

The leader of Sinn Féin has dismissed suggestions that she is under pressure following a drop in support for her party in recent opinion polls.

Speaking at the launch of the party’s manifesto for the European elections, Mary Lou McDonald pointed out that the party is still in first place in the polls.

Ms McDonald said the only polls that count are the upcoming elections along with the General Election which she believes will take place in the autumn.

On the campaign trail, some people are voicing frustration but almost all are reasonable and happy to engage in debate, she said.

Ms McDonald insisted that immigration is not the defining issue of the elections and the party believes housing, health and the cost of living are the biggest issues for voters.

The party is describing itself as “Euro critical” with Ms McDonald saying its representatives in the European Parliament would not sleepwalk into policies that are not in Ireland’s interest.

“Voters have a clear choice in the European elections between Sinn Féin MEPs who won’t be afraid to stand up and speak out to get a better deal for Ireland, and Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael MEPs who are uncritical, unquestioning, and unprepared to stand up for Irish interests in Europe,” Ms McDonald said.

“If Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael don’t stand up for your interests here at home on issues such as housing and access to healthcare, they will not stand up for you in the European Parliament,” she added.

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