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‘Such an emotional moment’: Cork girl chosen from thousands to receive gift from Taylor Swift



‘Such an emotional moment’: Cork girl chosen from thousands to receive gift from Taylor Swift

A CORK girl had a “magical” experience in Dublin this weekend after being called on stage during a Taylor Swift concert.

Clara O’Sullivan, aged eight, who was at the pop singers Sunday night show in the Aviva Stadium, was the lucky onlooker chosen to receive a gift from the singer during the first half of the concert.

Accompanied by her aunt, Stephanie Skierka, and other family members, Clara, who is from Ladysbridge, was cherry-picked from the masses by members of Swifts security team to receive a hat worn by the singer as part of a ritual performed at every gig.

The top-hat, which is dated and signed by the singer, is now one of Clara’s prized possessions.

Speaking to The Echo, Mrs Skierka said: “It was the most random thing, she was chosen out of a crowd of 50,000 people.

“A security guard asked her if she would like to come with them, and automatically I knew. I was like, ‘she’s getting the hat’.

“It was phenomenal,” she added.

After playing five or six songs, Swift instructed her team to choose a member of the crowd to receive the honour.

“As soon as they picked her, and she was walking away, my mom and I were bawling crying,” said Mrs Skierka.

“It was such an emotional moment.

“We just couldn’t believe it, it was her last show in Dublin too.

“She [Clara] didn’t realise what was happening until she was on stage, it was magical.”

Clara, who was given the concert tickets as a Holy Communion gift, said she was called by the team during her favourite song, cementing the memory as one that will stay with her for a lifetime.

“I feel really good,” she said. “I got the hat during ’22’, which is my favourite [song].” 

She described the whirlwind moment saying that the singer gave her the hat and two hugs before Clara gave the performer a friendship bracelet, in true Era’s Tour fashion.

Following the gig, Clara’s aunt said that she was like “a little celebrity” with many other fans flocking to her to try the hat on and take a photo with the priceless gift.

“Everyone was coming up to her, it was so cute,” she said. “What a night.” 

With hundreds of fans scrambling to get tickets last minute, Clara and her family were among the lucky ones who had their tickets secured for some time.

“We had the concert planned for months,” said Mrs Skierka.

“We’re all Swifties in this family.” 

Clara herself told Cork’s 96FM Opinion Line with PJ Coogan that the hat is not going into a glass case and she can’t wait to show her friends.

Both Mrs Skierka and Clara said they have been long-time fans of the singer, and will remember the experience fondly with hopes to see the performer again during her next tour.

“The concert from start to finish was just out of this world,” said Mrs Skierka. “It was amazing.”

“We would one hundred percent go back,” she added. “It was just such an amazing atmosphere.”

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