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Suspended sentence for Cork man caught dealing cocaine



Suspended sentence for Cork man caught dealing cocaine

A Bantry man caught dealing cocaine has been given a one-year suspended jail term.

Judge Cormac Quinn measured the sentence at 12 months at Cork Circuit Criminal Court but said that, in all the circumstances, it was a suitable case to have the sentence suspended in full.

Luke Cronin, 29, of Dromleigh Estate in Bantry, pleaded guilty to the charge of being in possession of a quantity of cocaine for the purpose of selling or otherwise supplying to other persons.

The offence dates back to October 14, 2020, when he was caught with the drugs.

Gardaí from the divisional drugs unit carried out a search under warrant at a property on Glengarriff Road, Bantry, on that date and the cocaine was seized.

It was pointed out by gardaí that the search had not been obtained in respect of Cronin in the first instance. 

The warrant had been issued in respect of another person.

However, Cronin took responsibility for the cocaine seized and followed this up with a plea of guilty.

Judge Quinn said there was a favourable probation report on the accused.

He said: “I am imposing a sentence of 12 months. In view of the circumstances and the probation report, I am going to suspend that fully.

“He is to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for 12 months and be under the direction of the probation service for 12 months.”

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