Intrinsic factors may outweigh external factors in the emergence of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in patients with psoriasis, according to recent findings, with genetic similarities present but...
Credit: Adobe Stock/ Pixel-Shot A new study found individuals with both psoriasis and hypertension have a 2-fold increase in all-cause mortality risk.1 “Our objective was to...
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis may be linked to an increased polyneuropathy risk, according to recent findings, though factors contributing to polyneuropathy rather than a direct increase...
A new analysis of key findings on prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among patients with psoriasis identified a possible link between pulmonary disease and...
Interclass switching with interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-23 inhibitors may be considered a promising strategy versus intraclass switching for patients with psoriasis, according to new findings, and...
Early results of an international study examining the risk of arthritis for people with psoriasis have shown a high burden of joint symptoms in 712 patients...
Andrea Chiricozzi Credit: An increase in biologic therapy discontinuation is observed among elderly individuals with psoriasis versus younger adult patients, according to new findings, especially...
Psoriasis is independently associated with increased risk of device-related infective endocarditis (IE) risk among individuals with permanent pacemakers (PPM), according to new findings, though additional research...
Scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine discovered a previously unknown link between two key pathways that regulate the immune system in mammals-;a finding that impacts our understanding...
James Song, MD, director of clinical research at Frontier Dermatology Partners in Seattle, Washington,provided comprehensive insights into the strategic combination of systemic therapies for treating psoriasis...