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Tales from the Dart line: ‘I met my husband during rush hour – it was obviously love at first sight’



Tales from the Dart line: ‘I met my husband during rush hour – it was obviously love at first sight’

From chance encounters to nude photoshoots, readers share their favourite Dart memories

‘I was inspired to paint the beautiful green train’ Darren Hayman

As told to Lauren Murphy, Tanya Sweeney and Saoirse Hanley

I spent my youth on the Dart — growing up in Dalkey, it was the only way out! When I was 15, my first boyfriend lived in Booterstown. A friend of mine went to school with him, and I used to send letters to him through her on the Dart. She would bring mine with her in the mornings, and he would send one back with her at home time. They were total nonsense, talking about stuff going on in school, or at home, or just making plans for the weekend — old-school texting! We’re not together anymore, but we would both agree we were each other’s first loves.

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