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Teen arrested after Gardai seize imitation firearm in Cork estate



Teen arrested after Gardai seize imitation firearm in Cork estate

A male teenager was arrested in Carrigaline yesterday evening after Gardai responded to reports of a firearm being seen.

It turned out to be an imitation weapon and the public were in no danger, but Gardai were taking no chances and members of the Regional Armed Support Unit assisted local Gardai from Carrigaline.

Local residents watched as Gardai approached a house and there was what one witness described as ‘very tense’ minutes as the Gardai tried to ascertain what was going on inside the property and de-escalate the situation.

It’s believed a young man had threatened a family member inside a house and Gardai talked to the people involved through an open ground-floor window before the teen gave up what turned out to be a pellet gun.

A Garda spokesperson told CorkBeo: “Gardaí responded to reports of a male armed with a firearm at a property in Carrigaline, County Cork on Monday evening, 16th July at approximately 7pm.”

Uniform Gardaí from Carrigaline attended the scene with assistance from the District Detective Unit and the Regional Armed Support Unit.

A man (aged in his late teens) was arrested at the scene and detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at a Garda station in County Cork.

An imitation firearm was seized by Gardaí. Investigations are ongoing.”

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