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The couple who found love hanging off high buildings: the story behind Netflix’s new documentary Skywalkers



The couple who found love hanging off high buildings: the story behind Netflix’s new documentary Skywalkers

The makers of the new Netflix film Skywalkers talk about why they followed two rival rooftoppers across six countries and up some dizzyingly tall structures

Angela Nikolau and Ivan Beerkus, in Skywalkers: A Love Story. Photo: Netflix

At the start of Skywalkers: A Love Story, Jeff Zimbalist and Maria Bukhonina’s all-action documentary, we are given a stern warning. “This film contains extremely illegal and dangerous activities. Do not attempt to imitate!”

Not bloody likely. High buildings have always given me the heebs, and in Skywalkers I found it hard to watch Angela Nikolau and Ivan Beerkus leap like spider monkeys along the roofs of high buildings and, hang smiling off spires 600 metres above the blessed earth. Why, I kept asking myself. Why?

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