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The Indo Daily: ‘A learner driver ploughed into my husband’ – More than 100 deaths on Irish roads this year



The Indo Daily: ‘A learner driver ploughed into my husband’ – More than 100 deaths on Irish roads this year

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As we pass the midpoint of the year, Ireland has reached a dreadful and deeply unwanted milestone, with more than 100 deaths taking place on the country’s roads so far in 2024.

Troubling new information has also come to light regarding last year’s fatalities and the involvement of learner drivers, the majority of whom were unaccompanied in their vehicle at the time of a fatal crash.

Pre-pandemic, Ireland was held aloft as a shining example to other countries in Europe on the issue of road safety. Seven months into 2024, we are met with near-daily headlines about road tragedies.

Twenty years ago, Susan Gray lost her husband when he was knocked down by a learner driver. Susan has been campaigning for road safety ever since. She argues that the situation on Irish roads is only getting worse. Where do we go from here? And how do we fix this national emergency?

On this episode of The Indo Daily, host Tabitha Monahan is joined by Ralph Riegel, Southern Correspondent with the Irish Independent, and by Susan Gray, founder of the PARC Road Safety Group, to hear how road deaths are shattering lives around the country, and to ask what changes can be made to curb a devastating upward trend.

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