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The Indo Daily Special Investigation: Multiple women allege sexual advances by male FAI coaches (Part One)



The Indo Daily Special Investigation: Multiple women allege sexual advances by male FAI coaches (Part One)

Mark Tighe and Marie Crowe are interviewed by Ellen Coyne (centre) about how they pursued their two-year investigation for an Indo Daily two-part podcast, with Episode One released on Monday morning and Episode Two available on Tuesday

Multiple female footballers have claimed they were subjected to unwanted or inappropriate sexual advances from FAI coaches in the 1990s.

A number of women have spoken to a joint investigation by the Sunday Independent’s Mark Tighe and RTÉ Investigates’ Marie Crowe to outline a series of harrowing allegations.

Presenter Ellen Coyne speaks to Mark and Marie in the first of a two-part Indo Daily special.

The Indo Daily Special Investigation: Multiple women allege sexual advances by male FAI coaches (Part One)

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