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The new Infrastructure Guidelines – replacing the Public Spending Code (2019)



The new Infrastructure Guidelines – replacing the Public Spending Code (2019)

In December 2023, the new Infrastructure guidelines were released by the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform replacing the Public Spending Code 2019. The aim of these new guidelines is to enhance the delivery of the National Development Plan (NDP). Our Infrastructure team explain the new guidelines below.

The Infrastructure Guidelines set out the value for money guidelines for the evaluation, planning and management of public investment projects, including purchase or acquisitions of assets or shareholdings, in Ireland. The arrangements set out in the Guide apply to all public bodies and all bodies in receipt of Exchequer capital funding.

While the changes are not exhaustive, they are welcome, with the Guidelines providing further clarity on the business case requirements and targeting a more streamlined approval process.

We have highlighted below key changes to the guidelines, business case requirements and our insights regarding the guidelines aim to enhance the delivery of the National Development Plan (NDP).

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