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‘The past never completely dies, but eventually comes to revisit us. Now pilgrim walkers are returning to Ireland’s spiritual trails’



‘The past never completely dies, but eventually comes to revisit us. Now pilgrim walkers are returning to Ireland’s spiritual trails’

Seasoned hill walker John G O’Dwyer speaks about how he first became interested in this peaceful pursuit, the value of connecting with nature through walking, and his tips for novice walkers

John O’Dwyer from Thurles, Co Tipperary, has been walking the trails and paths of Ireland for 40 years. Photo: Don Moloney

As with many things in life, it was chance that led John G O’Dwyer to first get involved in hill walking. Now, with over 40 years of experience of hitting the trail, he wants to encourage more people to get the walking boots on.

While John was in college in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a friend invited him on an outing with the hillwalking club. John was more interested in squash, badminton and soccer but the walk was enough to whet his appetite for getting out into the wilds on a more regular basis.

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