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‘This is not a Nimby issue’: Probe into dezoning of lucrative site for 500 homes in south Dublin



‘This is not a Nimby issue’: Probe into dezoning of lucrative site for 500 homes in south Dublin

Protected disclosure from developer referred to head of Department of HousingFine Gael politician described as ‘a ringleader for dezoning land for housing in south Dublin’Contentious site sold for housing seven years ago now heading for a third High Court case

How a Council dezoned an area of South County Dublin preventing land from being built

It’s a road to nowhere. You go past the school grounds on the right and a group of houses on the left, through a round­about and then arrive at a hoarding with a padlocked gate. Inside are five acres of overgrown land in the heart of south Co Dublin.

In the midst of a housing crisis, this highly contentious, privately-owned and fully serviced site has been ‘dezoned’, so nothing can really be built on it.

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