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Tori Towey Dubai travel ban lifted and Embassy helping her return home



Tori Towey Dubai travel ban lifted and Embassy helping her return home

Taoiseach Simon Harris has confirmed that the travel ban preventing Irish woman Tori Towey from leaving Dubai has been lifted.

The Embassy in the United Arab Emirates will now take her to the airport to come home when she is ready. Campaigners claim that the 28-year-old air steward is accused of breaking strict laws in the Muslim country even though she is the victim of an alleged attack in her home.

Human rights campaigners said that she wanted to leave the Middle Eastern state after receiving hospital treatment for severe bruising and other injuries but was detained. Mr Harris told the Dail: “I’ve just been informed that the travel ban has been lifted. The Embassy will take Tori to the airport as soon as she is ready to go. The Embassy of course will continue to follow the case which is still active as of now.”

Read more: Irish airline stewardess faces jail in Dubai after alleged domestic attack and suicide attempt

Read more: Taoiseach Simon Harris insists ‘I am staying in my home’ after bomb threat

Speaking shortly before the announcement that the travel ban was lifted, the Taoiseach stated that Ms Towey is a “victim” and not a “criminal”. He confirmed that he had spoken to Tori and her mother Caroline over the previous hours.

“An Irish woman, an Irish citizen, has been a victim of horrific male violence, has been the victim of the most brutal, horrific attack one can imagine,” Mr Harris told the Dail. “After enduring that horrific brutal attack, Tori Towey didn’t wake up in a hospital being supported and cared for and loved. She woke up in a police station. We want Tori Towey back in this country. We want her back home in Roscommon, that’s what she wants as well.”

The Taoiseach said he had spoken to Ms Towey and her mother and told them getting her home was “a priority issue”. He has also been in contact with the Ambassador in the United Arab Emirates and that she and the Embassy are “working extraordinarily hard on this matter”.

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