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Travel Advisor Success Story: Denise Valente, Valente Adventures by Dream Vacations



Travel Advisor Success Story: Denise Valente, Valente Adventures by Dream Vacations

Success Stories focus on veteran travel advisors and how they achieved success. Here’s a look at Denise Valente, a Dreams Vacation franchise owner in Fort Pierce, Fla.

How did you get your start as a travel advisor?

I got started in the travel industry because of an injury that I sustained at my previous job. I worked for the airlines as a ‘ramp rat,’ also known as a ground operations crew member. I loved that job and was there for almost 10 years until I tore my ACL and was out for a considerable amount of time. After multiple surgeries and physical therapy, my doctor did not release me to go back to my position. Instead of taking another position that I would not have been as happy at, I decided to pursue a career as a travel advisor. It was actually my husband, David, who first suggested that I look into it since I was the travel planner for all of our trips for family and friends.

So, in 2018, I became an independent agent with Cruises Inc. In 2021, my husband and I purchased our Dream Vacations franchise, which is under the same parent company that Cruises Inc was, but just a different business model. I can happily say that it’s been a wonderful journey so far, and I wouldn’t change anything. Well, maybe the COVID years, but that’s about it.

How did you build your business over the years?

I started with my inner circle of friends and family and then branched out into my community. I would visit many local businesses so that I could also help them build their business while they helped me build mine. I also hosted a lot of virtual events with various suppliers, especially during COVID to keep people thinking and dreaming about travel.

Referrals have also been a big part of my business. My husband has a custom carpentry business and he makes good use of his contacts by always referring me to his clients whom I would otherwise not be able to reach.

What characteristics make you a successful advisor?

One of the biggest things that has helped me be successful is having a passion for travel as well as for helping others. When you put those two things together, magical things can happen. As far back as I can remember, I have been traveling the world. My parents always took us on family vacations every year, both domestic and international. So, I grew up with an inborn love for travel and culture.

As I mentioned, I also love to help people. Navigating the world of travel and all the details that go into planning and deciding between all the options available can be daunting. Being that bridge, helping people experience their dreams by guiding them along the way so they can just enjoy the experience rather than stressing about it brings immense joy. When people can see and feel that you are genuine, and treat their vacation as your own, they become your client for life and then they naturally tell others about you.

Really listening to my clients when they tell me what they want out of their vacation has really helped me. Sometimes I will just sit and think about what they told me for a little while before I dive into finding products and prices. I like to think about them and their family dynamics and try to envision what they want to experience.

What have been your greatest challenges?

As with most other travel advisors, COVID presented our biggest challenge financially. But as horrible as it was, it allowed me the opportunity to refine my skills, my processes and my approach to my business. Would I ever wish to go through that again? Absolutely not. But I am grateful that I did not waste the opportunity to learn and grow from it, ultimately making me a better version of myself for my clients.

My greatest personal challenge was dealing with my own insecurities. Fear of failure was very real for me, which sometimes caused me to hold back or even not answer the phone when I was just starting out. But because I am part of such an incredible network – I had so much support and so many people that believed in me – I was able to push through that and become a successful agent.

Also, trying to find the right balance between work and home life was challenging. Since I am a home-based agent, it’s all too easy to keep working at all hours of the day or night and neglect your home life. But I’ve been able to get a pretty good handle on that.

Finally, learning to say no. I didn’t want to be a jack of all trades. I wanted to become an expert in a few things, and that meant turning down business that would stunt my growth in the areas that I wanted to focus on.

What have your greatest accomplishments been?

My greatest accomplishment have been getting out of my own way to walk the path of success. In doing so, I have been blessed to receive 11 industry awards including Agent of the Year, Top producer for AmaWaterways in 2021 and the Opal award for women, which recognizes outstanding performance and leadership.

On a personal level, my greatest accomplishment is my marriage to my husband David. He has been my biggest support system through all the highs and lows, and without him and  his constant support, things could have turned out very differently, not only in life but in my business as well.

What tips can you provide advisors new to the industry?

Love what you do – love traveling and make sure that that love is visible to others! Experience the destinations and products you want to sell. It’s a night-and-day difference to sell something you’ve only read about versus selling something you’ve experienced. Clients can see and feel your joy and enthusiasm and it becomes contagious. Then FOMO starts to set in because they want to have that same experience and feeling.

I also can’t stress enough the value and importance of training, networking and developing relationships with suppliers and other agents in the industry. You will learn so much from your peers because they have been where you are. As you develop those relationships, you will start to gravitate towards some and find yourself wanting to sell their products. Then you will find that you have more direction and focus. In time, that focus can change, and that’s okay. No matter what your focus, though, those relationships are going to be instrumental in helping you be successful.

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