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Trump And Biden Argue Over Golf Handicap In Debate Tangent



Trump And Biden Argue Over Golf Handicap In Debate Tangent


Former President Donald Trump sparked a bout of golf trash talk during Thursday’s presidential debate, doubting the swinging skills of President Joe Biden, who said he was “happy to have a driving contest” with Trump.

Key Facts

78-year-old Trump and 81-year-old Biden were asked about their age during the debate, and Trump—who insisted he’s easily passed multiple cognitive tests—used the question to boast about two non-senior club championships he claimed to win and say Biden could not hit a ball fifty yards.

Biden remarked about Trump’s height and weight in response, saying he would be happy to play golf with the former president if he carries his own bag.

Biden claimed he has a handicap of 6 in golf, meaning he is expected to take six strokes above the par score of a given course, which Trump called “a lie,” adding “I’ve seen your swing.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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