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Wexford woman (78) forced to travel to Dublin for dental care – ‘only two dentists in the town provide appointments for patients with medical cards’



Wexford woman (78) forced to travel to Dublin for dental care – ‘only two dentists in the town provide appointments for patients with medical cards’

Ann Marron pictured in her home at Scar, Co Wexford on Tuesday afternoon. Pic: Jim Campbell

A 78-year-old Wexford woman has been forced to travel to Dublin for her dental appointments due to the lack of available services in her home county. Ann Marron, who lives in Scar, Duncormick, is a medical card holder and, as a result, has been unable to source a dentist locally.

“We had a dentist in Wexford town but he must have left because when we called the surgery to make an appointment we were told it’s now a private practise,” Ann says. “Then I rang 13 dentists in Wexford and not one would take a medical card. I contacted the HSE to explain my situation and they provided me with details for 15 more dentists, it was the same thing again, they wouldn’t accept medical cards, and the ones that did said they were full and couldn’t take any more patients.”

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