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When “Online” Gambling Shatters a Soldier’s Life…



When “Online” Gambling Shatters a Soldier’s Life…

First Lieutenant Eko Damara’s death adds to the long list of cases of onlinelending (pinjol) and online gambling (judol ) which claimed lives. The Indonesian National Army has also declared “war” on online gambling and loans which have become endemic in society, including among members of the TNI.

Previously, in Cikupa, Tangerang Regency, Banten, a factory employee, HK (47), died by suicide allegedly because he was in debt online gambling (, 21/9/2022). In Tasikmalaya, West Java, a mother decided to end her life after her child fell into debt due to addiction to judol (, 14/8/2023). The boss of a delivery service agent was also found dead by suicide in Tambora, West Jakarta, after becoming depressed due to debt due to addiction to judol (, 13/5/2023).

Also read: Lettu Eko Damara is said to have committed suicide because he was in a lot of debt

A number of studies have proven that gambling can create addiction and cause other side effects. Gambling addiction has even been categorized as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-5) by the American Psychiatric Association. If addicted, gambling can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.

In a journal published in 2023, Janet O’Sullivan, a professor from the University of Cambridge, estimates that at least 250-650 people commit suicide due to gambling addiction. In Indonesia, online gambling cases cause someone to divorce their partner, become depressed, and even commit suicide. This online gambling case does not discriminate, from housewives, employees, students to company bosses can be caught.

The Indonesian National Army has also declared ‘war’ on online gambling and loans which have become endemic in society, including among members of the TNI.


A family shows a photo of Lieutenant Doctor Eko Damara during his lifetime and bruises on his body, in Medan, North Sumatra, on Wednesday (15/5/2024). Eko was said to have died by suicide by shooting himself in the head.

Covered in blood

The SS2-V1 weapon was leaned with the butt positioned on the right thigh and the barrel of the weapon crossed to the left over the chest. At that time, Eko Damara’s right hand was still holding the pistol grip.

As soon as I found out, I looked for information about why (suicide). It turned out that on the cellphone there were notes (notes) which described First Lieutenant Eko Damara as being in debt. Statements from his family and colleagues also mentioned debt.

The investigation results reveal that the cause of Eko Damara’s death was suicide by shooting himself in the head. The conclusion was obtained from the chronology of the incident, ballistics testing of the firearm, and a search history on his mobile phone that showed that in the past week, Lettu Eko had been reading articles on how to commit suicide.

“As soon as I found out, I looked for information about why (suicide). It turned out that on the cellphone there were notes (notes) which described First Lieutenant Eko Damara as being in debt. “Statements from his family and colleagues also mentioned debt,” said Asintel Dankormar Colonel (Marine) Teguh Santoso.

Teguh also found out what the debt was used for considering that up to now First Lieutenant Eko Damara rarely bought goods. The family also never received gifts from the Marines who had served in Yahukimo for ten months. “After checking, there was history on his cell phone that First Lieutenant Eko Damara had downloaded online gambling applications dozens of times,” said Teguh.

In a press conference at the Marine Corps headquarters in Jakarta on Monday (May 20th, 2024), Marine Corps Commander Major General Endi Supardi denied allegations of bruising on the body of Lieutenant Eko Damara. Eko Damara was said to have died by suicide.

In a press conference at the Marine Corps headquarters in Jakarta on Monday (May 20th, 2024), Marine Corps Commander Major General Endi Supardi denied allegations of bruising on the body of Lieutenant Eko Damara. Eko Damara was said to have died by suicide.

The total recorded debt of Lettu Eko Damara is IDR 819,270,380. In the operational area, his debt reached IDR 177,324,400. Lettu Eko borrowed money from various parties, ranging from fellow doctor colleagues, Indonesian Navy members, residents around the Tactical Command Post of the Military Command in Dekai, two banks, and institutions.

He even borrowed IDR 400,000 from a fellow doctor. Lettu Eko had borrowed money from the bank to pay off his previous debt, but the money was not paid back, resulting in the debt increasing.

“He even borrowed Rp 400,000 from a fellow doctor. Lettu Eko had borrowed money from a bank to pay off previous debts, but the money was not paid back, resulting in increasing debt,” said Endi.

Commander of Military Resort 172/Praja Wira Yakti Colonel (Inf) Binsar Sianipar provided guidance to the search and rescue team at Oksibil Airport, Pegunungan Bintang Regency, Papua, on Thursday (13/2/2020).

Commander of Military Resort 172/Praja Wira Yakti Colonel (Inf) Binsar Sianipar provided guidance to the search and rescue team at Oksibil Airport, Pegunungan Bintang Regency, Papua, on Thursday (13/2/2020).

Disease is endemic

Endi said that the case of loans and online gambling was very worrying because many people were involved and the impact was bad. “When I was taking a break and sitting around, I was immediately busy playing cellphone, I thought I was playing gaming, but it turned out judol,” he said, recounting his experience of reprimanding members.

Before receiving information about First Lieutenant Eko Damara’s death, Endi had just met TNI soldiers in Papua. “To the soldiers in Papua, I convey that our current disease which is endemic among the soldiers is loans and online gambling,” he said.

This is a moral message to all soldiers. Loans or online gambling are not the solution. Please think twice or thrice. Because when he borrows it, he chases him everywhere, his family and wife are phoned and threatened.

He asked all commanders to emphasize how dangerous pinjol andjudol were to their subordinates. He has also ordered commanders to diligently check their members’ cellphones.

“This is a moral message to all soldiers. Loans or onlinegamblingare not the solution. Please think twice or thrice. “Because when he borrows it, he chases him everywhere, his family and wife are phoned and threatened,” he said.

Psychologist at Wiloka Workshop Yogyakarta, Lucia Peppy.

Psychologist at Wiloka Workshop Yogyakarta, Lucia Peppy.

Like getting a “reward”

According to the psychologist at Wiloka Workshop Yogyakarta, Lucia Peppy, there are several reasons that make someone addicted to judol. “Just like other types of gambling, such as lottery, card gambling, or other types of gambling, some people really like playing because they feel they are getting a reward, satisfaction and achievement,” he said.

As with other types of gambling, such as lottery, card gambling, or other types of gambling, some people really enjoy playing because they feel they are getting a reward, satisfaction, and achievement.

There are also people who are addicted to online gambling because they started from trial and error. This group plays online gambling without adequate preparation and strategy. When they win, they feel happy. When they lose, they feel they have to avenge their defeat by gambling again and hoping to win.

Another group is those who use judol as a source of income. “This is more difficult to handle. If you use online gambling as a source of income, it means that the person has hopes of winning, but does not have a strategy or thorough preparation when they lose. “Because of this, the impact can be worrying, such as self-harm or attempted suicide,” he said.

Also read: IDR 500 Million Fine for Digital “Platforms” That Still Promote “Online” Gambling

To break the chain of online gambling addiction, Lucia suggests that someone who is addicted to online gambling should have their access to devices cut off. “Cutting off access must be done like it or not. “Not just deleting applications, but access to laptops, cell phones and computers must be cut off because devices can stimulate the sensation of online gambling again,” he said.

Another way is to find out the cause of addiction. If the cause is the desire to feel satisfaction, pleasure and victory, then people who are addicted to online gambling can be directed to have substitute activities so they can feel the desired sensation.

To stop this addiction, according to Lucia, mentorship is also required. “Just like other types of addiction, such as cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol, mentorship is very important. There must be someone who can guard and oversee the addicted person so that they are not connected to the source of their addiction,” she said.

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