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Your financial questions answered: ‘Will I pay UK and Irish taxes if I inherit mum’s £950,000 UK home?’



Your financial questions answered: ‘Will I pay UK and Irish taxes if I inherit mum’s £950,000 UK home?’

Do you pay tax in Ireland and the UK if inheriting an English property?

Ireland also has a double taxation agreement with the UK. Photo: Getty

Jonathan Ginnelly, tax director at Deloitte

Q I’m a UK citizen and have been living in Ireland and paying income tax here since 1998. I’m married to an Irish woman and will be applying for Irish citizenship later this year.

My mother, who has lived in the UK all her life, is in her mid-80s. She recently had her property there valued at £950,000 (€1.12m) and shared with us her updated will. The property will be left to my brother and I equally, after that dreaded time comes.

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